Cooking Tips from Pro Chefs
As you enroll in a cooking class, your instructor will at some point demonstrating something from the different techniques of cutting meats and veggies, properly searing meat and everything in between, which is almost comparable to finding the best wheelchairs for elderly among the different products in the market. One thing is for sure though, you probably don’t want to be left out in your class.
In this case, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following tips.
Master Your Knife Skills
It is important that you have your fingers tucked into your non-dominant hand. With your upper knuckles, use it for guiding the knife as you slice. Remember this, so long as your fingertips are tucked in, there’s no way that you can cut them. And to have the best control of your knife, hold it by the blade while pinching the bottom between the side of your forefinger and thumb.
Grip your pinky, ring and middle fingers just around the handle for optimal support and avoid putting your forefinger over the back of the knife.
Smarter Ways of Cutting Vegetables
According to one of the celebrated chefs, a mandoline is a big help in cutting down the preparation time and ensuring that you’ll come up with consistent slice size for vegetables.
A New Way of Using Ingredients
Try out seasonal ingredients in a bolder way. If you’ve never tried juicing a sweet potato, then you’ll be shocked how delicious it actually.
The starch in potato actually makes the beverage lightly creamy while the flavor combination is just sweet.
This is why some seasoned chefs call it as a dessert veggie juice that’s also packed with beta-carotene, Vitamin B complex and Vitamin A.
Garnish to Create an Impression
Would you like to turn a simple dish to a 5-star restaurant level meal? Then make sure to garnish your platter. You may garnish the finished product by taking an element from the dish like extra spice or whole herb sprigs, adding a tiny amount of it to make it standout. You may add microgreens too which instantaneously make a dish beautiful and pleasing to the eyes.