What 5 Foods You Must NOT Combine With Cola
Watch out for the fearsome mix: Soda and 5 foods you should never pair with. Find out what food you should never drink it with.
Mint candies
Surely you know the video that runs on the web where you see a bottle of Coke explode as soon as Mentos, mint candies, are poured into it.
Why does this happen? The reason for the explosive chemical reaction is the rough surface of the candy which breaks the attraction of the water molecules in the coke.
The breakdown of the chemical bond creates a space in which carbon dioxide bubbles form, causing the explosion.
Without a doubt, your stomach will not explode if after drinking a glass of Coke you immediately swallow 2 Mentos but you will experience excruciating stomach cramps.
It is not recommended to combine milk and cola in a short amount of time.
The acidity of the Coke would cause the milk to clot in the stomach causing slow and annoying digestion .
Chilli-based sauces
Capsaicin is found inside the chili, concentrated in the seeds, and is the substance that makes sauces hot.
Being oil-based, capsaicin cannot be absorbed by coca-cola because the latter is water-based. Not being able to mix the two elements separate.
Spicy food raises the body temperature and the cola in contact with high temperatures turns into sulfuric acid causing strong stomach acid.
Drinking coffee and cola at the same time or taking them together in a very short space of time is not a good idea.
Being both based on caffeine, they could cause an excessive state of excitement, depriving you of night sleep and also cause dangerous dehydration .
The sugar contained in coca aggravates hypoglycemia and also increases the risk of diabetes.
Drinking coffee is also not good for your health, consuming too much coffee will lead you to take 6 serious risks.
Doctors recommend drinking only one cup of one caffeinated drink per day – choose to have a coffee or a glass of cola, not both.